
Messages Through Multimedia - 2 - Wholesome Sweet

Similar to my last post, this one will discuss a message that are excellently portrayed through multimedia, but this time it is for the brand Wholesome. I also chose this brand because I like their purpose and the way they chose to tell it on their website. Each decision is carefully thought out, as the page flows and looks elegantly. They also offer a range of multimedia through videos, images, animations, and loading cues. This website is quite aesthetically pleasing and has a beautiful layout and color scheme.  Visit the website for Wholesome by clicking the following link;  Wholesome Organic, Fair Trade Sugar, Honey, Stevia, Candy, Agave, Frosting (  

Messages Through Multimedia - 1 - Imperfect Foods

 An excellent example of a website being able to clearly convey its message and purpose through the use of multimedia is the website for the brand Imperfect Foods. It is clear through the fonts used, the color scheme, and the use of hierarchy, that this design was thoroughly thought out, but that's just the beginning. This site also shows impeccable uses of images, animations, and loading cues throughout each page. I chose to display this site specifically not only because I like what they're doing, but also because I like the multimedia used to showcase their abilities, awards, and more.  Visit the website for Imperfect Foods by clicking the following link;  Grocery Delivery for Organic Food, Fresh Produce & More (

Lovable Logos & In-Depth Images

Defining What Makes a Logo Good           An article posted on Canva's website details many effective guidelines for creating a logo. Canva stressed the importance of creating a well-thought-out color pallet for your logo. It's best to choose either an analogous color palette, which is when you use colors that are similar but different (like purple and pink), or complementary colors that oppose each other (like purple and yellow). Canva editors believe that the use of white space, along with visual harmony, and having elements aligned are important aspects of the presentation of a logo. It is also noted to be helpful to use readable typography, shapes for contrast, and significant icons. By following all of these guidelines, and using the element of surprise when useful, you can create an effective logo that leaps off the page.          Visit the following link to see the article mentioned above.          The editors at VistaPrint posted an article that d

Talents and Terrors of Typography

 Why We Care About Typography When attempting to practice good web design techniques, it's important to dedicate time to focusing on typography. The display of your text not only helps you communicate your message but also helps readers understand what is most important. Overwhelming sites  with difficult  navigation are not what is considered to be  user-friendly. For users to appreciate your site, a creator has to make the site appealing both visually and with the content.  Typing of Your Dreams A fellow blog enthusiast, Jamie Juviler, created a post detailing various aspects of web typography. Throughout this post, you can see he clearly knows what he is talking about, based on both the content and how he presented it. Jamie presented a visual hierarchy  throughout his page, which made the information clearer to  me as a reader. He spaced out the text in a way that supplied detailed information without appearing to be overwhelming. His use of bold and italicized  text seemed to

The Madness of Multimedia

What is Multimedia?  Multimedia can be defined as an interactive presentation that combines many varying content forms. For example, by combining animations, videos, images, slideshows, and more onto one site, you produce a form of multimedia. When working with different content forms, it's imperative to maintain integrity in both what the content is and how it's displayed. There are many ways to ensure some success in your creations, but the five main contributors to pay attention to are text, image, audio, video, and animations. Ensuring that every aspect of your form is accessible to various types of users is a defining factor as to whether your site is a good or bad example of a multimedia presentation. A Good Example of Multimedia An excellent example of multimedia use is from a webpage  named  Cincopa   which discusses multimedia in great detail and even offers marketing and editing tools for purcha se.  None of the provided media was difficult to load and accessing the v

Baby's First Blog

 Hello readers! I'm not actually a baby, and I won't be representing one. I am a 21-year-old college student, and I am creating this blog as part of my schoolwork. Enjoy traveling through my blog and watching my progress as I learn more about multimedia fundamentals.  I am new to computer information systems, but I am having a lot of fun learning all of these new skills. I hope to graduate soon with the ability to work in web development and design. I do not wish to get much more personal than this, but I will provide photos of my dogs. Both as an offer to get to know me a bit better and because my dogs are precious, even if you don't like dogs.  Pictured above are Zeus (middle), Apollo (left), and Hercules (right) My Four - Legged Greek Gods