Talents and Terrors of Typography

 Why We Care About Typography

When attempting to practice good web design techniques, it's important to dedicate time to focusing on typography. The display of your text not only helps you communicate your message but also helps readers understand what is most important. Overwhelming sites with difficult navigation are not what is considered to be user-friendly. For users to appreciate your site, a creator has to make the site appealing both visually and with the content. 

Typing of Your Dreams

A fellow blog enthusiast, Jamie Juviler, created a post detailing various aspects of web typography. Throughout this post, you can see he clearly knows what he is talking about, based on both the content and how he presented it. Jamie presented a visual hierarchy throughout his page, which made the information clearer to me as a reader. He spaced out the text in a way that supplied detailed information without appearing to be overwhelming. His use of bold and italicized text seemed to run perfectly with the information provided. Jamie's images and captions were also placed in a timely, organized manner. Additionally, his placement of numbered and bullet-pointed lists was accurate and not overused. Overall, Jamie taught me a lot of the specific details about typography, both through examples and explanations. 
See this post and more by visiting the link below. 
The Beginner's Guide to Typography in Web Design (hubspot.com)

Typing of Your Nightmares

The website I am about to describe to you is a supposedly official website for a small boutique named Yvette's Bridal Formal. I honestly do not know where to begin with describing this one. Although I do not want to be mean, it appears very little skill was used to create this website. In terms of typography, the creator uses one singular font throughout the entire page, but somehow every textbox looks different. There is absolutely no hierarchy, important information is mixed in with old information by use of overlapping text boxes. The use of italicsizes is random at best, and a few of the overlapping text boxes are in all caps for seemingly unimportant information. The colors used for both the text and their backgrounds do not fit in any sort of color scheme and range from neon to pastel to muted colors. To fix the site, I would create a navigation bar, part of which contains a "news" section for new information. I would create a hierarchy in the text and get rid of 90% or more of the colors used currently. I would also get new photos because every one of them is outdated and only two out of the seven pictures seem relevant. 
See this website by visiting the link below.
Yvette's [site archive from 08 APR 2010] (p1r8.net)

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