The Madness of Multimedia

What is Multimedia? 

Multimedia can be defined as an interactive presentation that combines many varying content forms. For example, by combining animations, videos, images, slideshows, and more onto one site, you produce a form of multimedia. When working with different content forms, it's imperative to maintain integrity in both what the content is and how it's displayed. There are many ways to ensure some success in your creations, but the five main contributors to pay attention to are text, image, audio, video, and animations. Ensuring that every aspect of your form is accessible to various types of users is a defining factor as to whether your site is a good or bad example of a multimedia presentation.

A Good Example of Multimedia

An excellent example of multimedia use is from a webpage named Cincopa which discusses multimedia in great detail and even offers marketing and editing tools for purchase. None of the provided media was difficult to load and accessing the various aspects of the site was easy on both my laptop and my mobile device. This site also gives a lot of interaction opportunities between valid links, the menu bar, the log-in menu, and the media itself. 

A Bad Example of Multimedia

A great example of a failed use of multimedia is from a website whose name is The Big Ugly Website. Suffice it to say, it certainly lives up to its name in more ways than one. None of the provided images even load properly and you certainly cannot download any of the provided media- and if you can I do not recommend it. The website seems to provide links to other websites deemed "ugly" by the creators, but it does so seemingly at random, without any layout, pattern, font scheme, or color scheme. Their brand is all over the place and difficult to follow. There are many steps necessary to improve the state of this site. I would start by organizing everything, giving a color scheme, pattern, and more. I would then move to the content itself. A less broad topic needs to be conveyed with the content, as well as content that can actually be viewed. I would also get rid of this awful use of negative space that the creators have embedded into the site. Honestly, I'd probably just start from scratch, as not much of what is on the site now is working, nor is it presented well.  

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