
Showing posts from April, 2024

Messages Through Multimedia - 2 - Wholesome Sweet

Similar to my last post, this one will discuss a message that are excellently portrayed through multimedia, but this time it is for the brand Wholesome. I also chose this brand because I like their purpose and the way they chose to tell it on their website. Each decision is carefully thought out, as the page flows and looks elegantly. They also offer a range of multimedia through videos, images, animations, and loading cues. This website is quite aesthetically pleasing and has a beautiful layout and color scheme.  Visit the website for Wholesome by clicking the following link;  Wholesome Organic, Fair Trade Sugar, Honey, Stevia, Candy, Agave, Frosting (  

Messages Through Multimedia - 1 - Imperfect Foods

 An excellent example of a website being able to clearly convey its message and purpose through the use of multimedia is the website for the brand Imperfect Foods. It is clear through the fonts used, the color scheme, and the use of hierarchy, that this design was thoroughly thought out, but that's just the beginning. This site also shows impeccable uses of images, animations, and loading cues throughout each page. I chose to display this site specifically not only because I like what they're doing, but also because I like the multimedia used to showcase their abilities, awards, and more.  Visit the website for Imperfect Foods by clicking the following link;  Grocery Delivery for Organic Food, Fresh Produce & More (